Please come to Annual General Meeting of Frome & District Chamber of Commerce at 6.00pm Tuesday 8th October 2019 at The Naval Room, in The Archangel.
We’ll have some formal business to deal with, on the Agenda. We don’t expect that will take long but we need your votes and your approval for the accounts to be filed with Companies House.
More importantly this is our opportunity to report to you on what we’ve been doing and what we plan to do. Please support us, or, if you think we could do a better job come and tell us how.
We also need new Committee Members – any organisation needs new ideas from time to time. You won’t be ambushed at the AGM, but talk to us if you might be interested
Come and give us your ideas. Or just come and enjoy a free drink on us
Your Committee
Neil Howlett, Nigel Harris, Pauline Davey, Ian O’Connor