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The brilliantly successful Frome College Mock Interview event is running again this June and the careers team are reaching out to local employers to take part.

This process supports year 10 students and provides an insight to the world of work and the interview experience.

The college are looking to host interviewers that can work in pairs to interview the Year 10 cohort which are 14 and 15-year-olds.

The mock interviews will run on two days, Monday 17th June and Tuesday 18th June 2024, should you like to attend, in pairs you will interview the students for 30 minutes each.

You will be required to arrive at reception for 8:45am, for interviews to commence from 9:15am-3:15pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, if any dietary requirements are required please contact the team at If you are able to take part or would like more information please get in touch with Louise at Frome College,