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We have been asked to help support an exciting photographic project which is being planned during the month of April by Frome Wessex Camera Club, Frome FM and Frome Heritage Museum.

Frome Heritage Museum already holds a huge collection of photographs of Frome buildings and streets. Many of these date back to the end of the 19th century. And it wants to build its archive of the changing face of Frome with by taking photos around the town during April which will be archived at the Museum for future use.

Frome Wessex Camera Club will be aiming to take hundreds of photos in and around Frome during the month of April. Similar less ambitious projects were carried out in about 1965 and 1986 and the photographs from those times are fascinating to look at: to see what has changed, what hasn’t changed, how people dressed, what cars they drove, etc, etc.

However, that means they need permission to enter business premises across the town to start snapping. While they will be taking photos of the exteriors they also want to record on film what now goes on in some of the buildings for future generations.

The camera club is asking businesses to kindly allow one of its photographers to come in to take pictures of regular activity going on there or enable them to have access when the building is empty.

Alternatively you can take some photos yourself and send a few jpegs of the interiors (with or without customers present) that you take during 2020. If businesses do that then it’s likely to build up a much more comprehensive bank of photos for the future.

The club has assured us that none of the photos would appear in the press or magazines or online without permission. They would simply be catalogued, both in hard copy and digitally, and stored for the benefit of future researchers. And they also aim to have a Frome Then and Now exhibition at the museum in June which would be the only ‘airing’ that such photos would get.

For more information email the Camera Club or send them your photos.