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Membership Application

Please provide details of your business

This is used to create your profile on our Members page.

This is not displayed on the website
Please provide a logo suitable for displaying on a white background. Ideally the image should be square and no larger than 512x512px. JPG, PNG and GIF images are accepted.

Private contact details

This is used to keep you up-to-date on membership activities and to support networking.

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

I/we hereby apply to join Frome & District Chamber of Commerce and declare the above information to be correct. I agree that if Frome & District Chamber of Commerce is wound up within a year upon my ceasing to be a member I will contribute up to £1 (one pound) towards any liabilities under Clause 5 of the Memorandum & Articles of Association

Please check your details are correct above before submitting your application