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The draft of the Mendip Economic Development Strategy 2017-2020 is now available for consultation. The Chamber has been consulted about this and it has been presented to Frome Town Council.

Mendip District Council is listening and acting, particularly on the lack of employment land, and training. It is proposing town working groups, which could be good. It is also looking for examples of businesses to encourage inward investment.

The Chamber has told the Council it needs to engage more with neighbouring LEPs and authorities as we are more connected with and gain more benefit from Bristol, Bath and West Wiltshire, and their educational institutions, than we have (or will) from Somerset County Council or the HoSWLEP.

If you want to influence MDC’s policy now is your chance, either through the Chamber, to the Council direct or at the Scrutiny Board meeting on the evening of 26 June, which is a public meeting.

Find out more here.