Could you benefit from fresh, experienced insight and a sounding board as you run and grow your business? Read about Somerset Councils new free mentoring scheme…
What’s the scheme all about?
Somerset Council has launched this new ambitious mentoring programme to match executive and senior management level business leaders and successful entrepreneurs with local businesses needing support. They understand the challenges with running and growing a business and the value of an impartial sounding board. They can offer sector experience or a specialism in growth strategy, finance, marketing, HR, e-commerce, bid writing, acquisition, exit strategy, and much more!
What sort of backgrounds do the mentors have?
Our mentors have been selected from executive and senior management level business leaders or successful entrepreneurs. For example, our mentors include a former CEO of a top NASDAQ quoted company, a Somerset coffee roaster who now supplies 200 outlets, a soft drinks manufacturer who supplies major retailers at home and abroad, a senior transformation executive who has worked with UK and US quoted businesses, a multi-million-pound NHS equipment supplier and a senior commercial lawyer, to name just a few!
How long does the programme last for?
The scheme offer businesses over 1 year old, up to 6 hrs of free mentoring over a 6-month period although this can easily be extended by mutual agreement if a mentor/mentee relationship is flourishing.
How can I find out more information?
Please email for a mentee application form and more information or download here.