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Selling on Facebook

Selling on Facebook – Monetising your Channel


  • The conversion of a social media channel or the content contained within it for the purpose of generating revenue
  • We put money into social media (advertising) and we generate a return (monetisation)
  • It’s all about BY NOW

Sales funnel

At every level you lose half the people who came into the previous level


  1. We want to keep people in our channel
  2. We want to send traffic from Facebook to our eCommerce platform

How do you do this?

Use what is available on Facebook:

  • How is your brand displayed on your Page – use your cover picture to showcase what’s on offer
  • Ensure you have a website listed on your Fan Page
  • Set up ‘Call to Action’ buttons such as ‘Learn More’ or adding the ‘Messaging’ option to your sales posts
  • Add the tabs you need such as ‘Shop’ and ‘Reviews’
  • Give your audience the content that will make them want to buy from you
  • Engage, maintain and grow your audience (‘likes’ on your Page)

eCommerce vs self-hosted sales platform



Choose the right option for you, your business and your customers and make sure you assess regularly to see if it is still working for you.