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The University of West of England has some really interesting offers for local businesses having won funding to create a series of free ‘bootcamps’ and consultancy opportunities. This allows local businesses to tap into new courses and the research skills of MBA students.

Free business consultancy

UWE is also looking for client organisations with a business need that its full time MBA students can investigate for a consultancy dissertation. Students generate an initial proposal, a presentation and an evidence-based report over approximately 450 hours and are guided by a university supervisor. Client organisations offer the student a contact point, student briefing, some regular contact, access to the agreed data sources and then attend the final presentation. Past clients have asked students to investigate product line rationalisations, sources of competitive advantage, revenue growth strategies, and knowledge acquisition approaches. If your organization would benefit from pro bono consultancy by an MBA student on any business issue or opportunity, then the University needs client projects starting in February and finishing in August. To find out more email here.

Free Human Resource consultancy

UWE’s Post Graduate Human Resources Management (HRM) students are also looking for a 10 week research/consultancy project to commence at the end of May. The aim is for the student to investigate a ‘live’ HR issue or perhaps explore a new HR initiative that you’d like to implement but haven’t had the time / resources to launch. At the end of the 10 weeks the student would provide you with a summary of their findings and recommendations for implementation. Any HR related topic would be appropriate e.g. Recruitment & Selection, Learning & Development, Performance Management. To find out more please email here.

Institute of Technology – Certificate in Future Technologies

The new Certificate of Future Technologies is a modular course designed by employers and educational institutions working in partnership to help businesses access high-quality, short, modular, technical training modules to upskill and reskill staff to better address their business needs. The modular offer is ‘pick and mix’ to meet individual and industry need, and the below UWE Bristol delivery forms part of a wider IoT offering:

  • Fundamentals of Industry 4.0 (2 days) – This course provides an insight into how new technologies are creating the emergence of industry 4.0. Starts 7th December
  • Leadership for Sustainability and Social Value (2 days) – This course is designed to help organisations develop the capability and knowledge needed to create a vision and build sustainability and social value into their strategy. Starts 24 January 2022
  • Find out more here.

Skills Bootcamp in Achieving Zero Carbon Buildings

The University is also offering a six month ‘bootcamp’ course to people interested in learnubg more about sustainability and net-zero carbon to get a job within the construction and engineering industries. Find out more here.