Amongst other things we attended the ‘Three Tiers’ meeting of Councillors from the Town, District and County councils convened by the Town Council. They have agreed to work together to improve the signage in town so visitors can find their around better, both in cars and on foot. This is a long term project which the Chamber has pressing the councils to do, but is difficult when the signs affect our town, relate to facilities provide by Mendip but are owned and controlled by Somerset. We expect to see action now.
We also attended the Frome Town Council Town Matters meeting to support the continued support for the Information Centre at the Black Swan, which is used by both visitors and residents. The good news is that this is funded to June 2018. The very moderate costs are presently provide by Mendip Tourism. The Town Council hopes that will continue but has agreed to underwrite the costs to March 2020.
In addition we attended Fair Housing Frome’s latest meeting to explore better practice for residential landlords and tenants.